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April 2023

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

How to Value Your Business, Planning for the Future

April 4, 2023
April 11, 2023
April 18, 2023


This three-week workshop series for livestock-based businesses will be held online. It is specifically targeted at existing meat, fiber, small ruminant dairy, or other livestock value-added processing businesses. A team of Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators will provide tools to assess your existing business and to assist in understanding options for business expansion or transfer. The workshop series will also be of benefit to livestock value-added business startups and is of relevance to both owners and employees in management positions. 

2023 Central NY Soybean and Small Grains IPM Congress (Virtual Meeting)

Event Offers DEC Credits

April 4, 2023
9:30am - Noon

2.0 DEC Credits for cat. 1a, 10, 21, & 23 (pending).  CCA CEU credits: 2.5 total, 2.0 IPM, 0.5 Precision Ag (pending).

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Organic Farmer-to-Farmer Meetings

April 4, 2023 : NYCO Field Crop Meeting
Jordan Hall Auditorium
Geneva, NY

NYCO's field crops meeting has been rescheduled to April 4th, 2023 from 9 am - 1 pm. This meeting is free for all farmers to attend and participants are encouraged to bring a dish to pass for lunch. 

USDA RA Value Added Producer Grant Training

April 5, 2023
6pm - 7:30pm

Free webinar

Employee Development and Training Course

March 9, 2023
March 16, 2023
March 23, 2023
March 30, 2023
April 6, 2023
April 13, 2023

3pm - 4pm

Course applicable to all agricultural commodities.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Business Planning for Beginning Farmers

April 10, 2023
CCE-Chautauqua (JCC Carnahan Building)
Jamestown, NY

Business Planning for Beginning Farmers

Business plans for farms are often viewed as yet another chore to do and usually result in dusty binders taking up space on the office shelf. This discussion based workshop will walk you through the mental exercise of planning your future agricultural adventures. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the use of a business plan, the essential components, and a "to-do" list of things to think about to inform future planning efforts. Additional opportunities for one-on-one follow up will also be offered. FSA Borrower credits may be made available for your attendance. This workshop will be taught by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Team Leader and Farm Business Management Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension. She is a graduate of Cornell University with a degree in Animal Science and Ag Business Management, and owns and operates a diversified livestock farm.

$5 per person REGISTER

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

NY Beef Producers' Association Region 1 Meeting

April 11, 2023
Alabama Hotel
Basom, NY

Please see the information below for upcoming regional meetings. Some have fast approaching RSVP dates! For questions on the meetings, contact the respective regional directors.


WHERE: Alabama Hotel - 1353 Lewiston Road, Basom, NY 14013

WHEN: Tuesday, April 11th starting at 5:30pm

RSVP by Friday, March 31st to Alana Welker (585.721.0677 or

COST: $28 Brisket Dinner (with salad bar & dessert) $10 kids meal

RESCHEDULED: Central NY Dairy Day 2023

April 11, 2023
10am - 3pm
Otesaga Resort Hotel
Cooperstown , NY

Putting all the Pieces of the Puzzle Together!  In person!  Trade Show!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

2023 SHOP TALKS: Managing In-Field Variability

April 11, 2023
Teelak Farms (Cattaraugus County)
Mansfield, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Each year presents new challenges for growing feed for your operation. Join Joe Lawrence, Dairy Forage Systems Specialist on Cornell's PRO-DAIRY team, as he discusses how to manage in-field variability to maintain feed quality.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

2023 SHOP TALKS: Incorporating Small Grains Into Your Forage System

April 13, 2023
Phillips Farm (Erie County)
North Collins, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Looking to implement new forages into your crop rotation? Evaluate how small grains like wheat, oats, and triticale can fit into current rotations, and what their value is as a forage.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

2023 SHOP TALKS: Breaking Down Fungicides

Event Offers DEC Credits

April 14, 2023
Mahaney Farms (Steuben County)
Arkport, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Learn how fungicides work, ideal spraying conditions and how to reduce spray drift. Mahaney Farm will speak on their on-farm fungicide program, and how they utilize airplane application on their corn and wheat acreage.

0.5 DEC credits in 1a, 10, & 21

Annie's Project - Managing for a Margin Squeeze

April 14, 2023
1pm - 2pm EST

Annie's Project - Managing for a Margin Squeeze

Free webinar

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Potluck & Farm Book Swap @ Massachusetts Avenue Project

April 15, 2023
Massachusetts Avenue Project
Buffalo, NY

It's spring, and the plants are beginning to emerge from the ground, so we're making plans to emerge from our farms to gather in community for a potluck on Saturday April 15th.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Agritourism Workshops Monthly!

February 20, 2023
March 20, 2023
April 17, 2023


Agritourism Workshops Monthly!

Are you thinking of starting an agritourism business or are you currently operating one?
Join our monthly lunch-hour, workshop virtual series and learn how to grow your agritourism business!

The sessions will focus on specific topic to help aspiring agritourism entrepreneurs grow their knowledge and profit through this exciting on-farm business.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

BEEF X DAIRY FREE Webinar Series

April 19 - April 20, 2023

BEEF X DAIRY FREE Webinar Series

Join experts from Cornell Cooperative Extension and the beef and dairy industries as we explore the potential of beef x dairy in New York.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Dairy Comp 305 for Spanish Speakers - Rescheduled

March 1, 2023
April 19, 2023

Virtual via Zoom

This program has been postponed until April 19th- apologies for any inconvenience!  

This program is focused on employees, supervisors or managers whose first language is Spanish and whose job entails using DC305 on a daily basis.  The objective is for attendees to improve their understanding of the "language" of DC305 as well as the whys behind consistent data entry.  Since DC305 is specific to each farm, the workshop will focus on general application and deeper understanding of how data is used on dairy farms.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Dairy Comp 305 for Spanish Speakers

April 19, 2023
Virtual via Zoom

Dairy Comp 305 for Spanish Speakers

This program was rescheduled from March 30th.

This workshop is for employees, supervisors or managers whose first language is Spanish and whose job entails using DC305 on a daily basis.  The objective is for attendees to improve their understanding of the "language" of DC305 as well as the whys behind consistent data entry.  Since DC305 is specific to each farm, the workshop will focus on general application and deeper understanding of how data is used on dairy farms.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Beef Quality Assurance Training @ Canandaigua Stockyards

April 21, 2023
6pm - 9pm
Canandaigua Stockyards
Canandaigua, NY

Beef Quality Assurance Training @ Canandaigua Stockyards

Join us for a BQA Training at the Canandaigua Stockyards! Producers attending the training will become Level 2 certified. 

Mental Health First Aid Training

February 8, 2023
April 21, 2023

8am - 5pm
Herkimer County Community College & CCE Madison County

Free event with lunch included.  Two locations to choose from in the region, and more on the FarmNet website.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Managing Weeds on The Farm

April 25, 2023
CCE-Chautauqua (JCC Carnahan Building)
Jamestown, NY

Managing Weeds on The Farm

Do you grow row crops or pasture livestock? If yes, this workshop is for you! Learn everything you need to know about the biology, identification, and control of common weeds impacting pasture and row crop systems. This workshop will be taught by Katelyn Miller, Field Crop and Forage Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension. She is a graduate of Alfred State College with a degree in Agricultural Entrepreneurship. 

$5 per person REGISTER

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

All of the Chicken Things - Steuben County

April 27, 2023
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Steuben County Civil Defense
Bath, NY

All of the Chicken Things - Steuben County

New to raising chickens, but want to learn more before making the plunge? Already have chickens, but looking to expand into selling chicken or eggs? This in-person training is for you! We will cover topics including sourcing chicks, brooding, housing, health and disease management, egg production and sales, and meat production and sales.

May 2023

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Goats 101

May 1 - May 2, 2023May 8 - May 9, 2023

Goats 101

New to goats and have questions? Thinking about getting goats and want to learn more before getting started? This series is for you!

Compact, hardy, and endlessly entertaining, goats can be a great addition to any farm or homestead. Their unique nature positions them well to fit niche roles and markets. This series of 4 online workshops reviews goat production and management for beginners. Key management concepts will be reviewed using pre-recorded, interactive videos.  

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Hands-On Calving and Dystocia Workshop (English) - Wyoming County

May 3, 2023
10:30am - 3pm
CCE Wyoming County Office
Warsaw, NY

Hands-On Calving and Dystocia Workshop (English) - Wyoming County

To assist or not to assist? That is (one of) the questions dairy farm personnel have while working in the maternity area on a farm.

This workshop will teach best calving management practices to minimize stillbirth rates and improve calf and cow health during and directly after the calving process.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Hands-On Calving and Dystocia Workshop (Spanish) - Wyoming County

May 3, 2023
10:30am - 3pm
CCE Wyoming County Office
Warsaw, NY

Hands-On Calving and Dystocia Workshop (Spanish) - Wyoming County

To assist or not to assist? That is (one of) the questions dairy farm personnel have while working in the maternity area on a farm.

This workshop will teach best calving management practices to minimize stillbirth rates and improve calf and cow health during and directly after the calving process.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Preparing Your Livestock Farm for the Loss of OTC Antimicrobials

May 3, 2023

By June 11, 2023, the Food and Drug Administration will require farmers to have a prescription from their veterinarian to purchase all over the counter, medically important, antimicrobial products. Dr. Melanie Hemenway, Veterinarian with NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets will provide an overview of what this means for your farm.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Preparing Your Livestock Farm for the Loss of OTC Antimicrobials

May 3, 2023

Preparing Your Livestock Farm for the Loss of OTC Antimicrobials

The need for the directives is to protect medically important microbials from the more rapid development of resistance. The loss of efficacy can occur with any drug, but care needs to be taken so we do not lose those products that are medically important for human health. With the elimination of OTC antimicrobials for livestock use, veterinary diagnosis is needed prior to treatment to ensure these products are used judiciously.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Katelyn Saves You $$

May 3, 2023
6pm - 8pm
JCC Carnahan Building
Jamestown, NY

This two hour workshop is ramping up to be the catch all of the farm business management world! Come with all of your farm management questions, diversification questions, record keeping questions, general small business questions, whatever questions you might have! This workshop will be an interactive and intimate discussion with Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Team Leader and Farm Business Management Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension. She is a graduate of Cornell University with a degree in Animal Science and Ag Business Management, and owns and operates a diversified livestock farm.

Annie's Project - The Hard But Necessary Conversation on Farm Succession

May 5, 2023
1pm - 2pm EST

Annie's Project - The Hard But Necessary Conversation on Farm Succession

Free webinar

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Goat and Sheep Super Saturday

May 6, 2023
Cornell Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory
Portland, NY

Interested in owning sheep or goats and want the 411? Already own sheep or goats and want some more information on how to keep your flock or herd safe and healthy? Join us for a hands on workshop learning about hoof trimming, 5 point inspections, FAMACHA training, bio security, and general best practices! This workshop will be taught by Cassandra Skal, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County's Agriculture Program Coordinator. Between the three instructors there is a wealth of knowledge about sheep and goats so bring your questions about just getting started to diversifying and wear something you don't mind getting dirty in!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Raising Poultry for Meat Production: A FREE Live Seminar for Veterans.

May 10, 2023

Looking to grow your own meat birds? Start here!

Small scale broiler production is a great way to diversify your farm. Raising broilers for meat production has a relatively short turn around time, low investment, and can help grow your farm's production. Join Livestock Specialist, Amy Barkley, to learn the basics of meat bird production. Topics include breed selection and chick sourcing, housing and nutritional requirements, and a brief introduction to on-farm processing. Participants will receive resources for further exploration. Registration is REQUIRED by visiting or call Kelly at 585-268-7644. 


SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Agriculture Career Day

May 10, 2023
Cattaraugus County Fairgrounds
Little Valley, NY

Take the opportunity to meet with local ag businesses who are looking for individuals with the enthusiasm and willingness to work!

Stressed Out Soils - A Conversation with Jane Lucas

May 11, 2023
7pm - 8pm EST
Millbrook , NY

Free in person or virtual event.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Herdsperson Training II (Spanish) - Niagara County

May 11, 2023
Atwater Farms
Barker, NY

Herdsperson Training II (Spanish) - Niagara County


There are proper techniques for administering vaccinations or treatments on a dairy, as well as performing tasks to monitor herd health. The herdsperson is typically responsible for carrying out these tasks.

This workshop will teach proper techniques for common tasks related to herd health monitoring and treatment.  This workshop will cover how to carry out common practices; however, specific farm protocols, diagnoses and treatments should be discussed with, and implemented according to, each farm's veterinarian.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Herdsperson Training II (English) - Niagara County

May 11, 2023
Atwater Farms
Barker, NY

Herdsperson Training II (English) - Niagara County


There are proper techniques for administering vaccinations or treatments on a dairy, as well as performing tasks to monitor herd health. The herdsperson is typically responsible for carrying out these tasks.

This workshop will teach proper techniques for common tasks related to herd health monitoring and treatment.  This workshop will cover how to carry out common practices; however, specific farm protocols, diagnoses and treatments should be discussed with, and implemented according to, each farm's veterinarian.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Herdsperson Training II (Spanish) - Genesee County

May 12, 2023
Stein Farms
LeRoy, NY

Herdsperson Training II (Spanish) - Genesee County


There are proper techniques for administering vaccinations or treatments on a dairy, as well as performing tasks to monitor herd health. The herdsperson is typically responsible for carrying out these tasks.

This workshop will teach proper techniques for common tasks related to herd health monitoring and treatment.  This workshop will cover how to carry out common practices; however, specific farm protocols, diagnoses and treatments should be discussed with, and implemented according to, each farm's veterinarian.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Herdsperson Training II (English) - Genesee County

May 12, 2023
Stein Farms
LeRoy, NY

Herdsperson Training II (English) - Genesee County


There are proper techniques for administering vaccinations or treatments on a dairy, as well as performing tasks to monitor herd health. The herdsperson is typically responsible for carrying out these tasks.

This workshop will teach proper techniques for common tasks related to herd health monitoring and treatment.  This workshop will cover how to carry out common practices; however, specific farm protocols, diagnoses and treatments should be discussed with, and implemented according to, each farm's veterinarian.

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Agritourism Workshops Monthly! - Tax Considerations for Agritourism

May 15, 2023

Agritourism Workshops Monthly! - Tax Considerations for Agritourism

Are you thinking of starting an agritourism business or are you currently operating one?

Join our monthly lunch-hour, workshop virtual series and learn how to grow your agritourism business!

Each session will focus on specific topic to help aspiring agritourism entrepreneurs grow their knowledge and profit through this exciting on-farm business.

Cost: Free to attend, but registration required!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Sobre los Conceptos B�¡sicos de los Sindicatos Para los Trabajadores Agrícolas

May 17, 2023

Una Sesión Virtual en Español: Sobre los Conceptos Básicos de los Sindicatos Para los Trabajadores Agrícolas

Los representantes sindicales están contactando agresivamente a los empleados agrícolas en toda Nueva York. Muchos de los trabajadores no están familiarizados con los sindicatos y no están seguros de qué hacer. El Consejo de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral Agrícola de Nueva York dará una sesión virtual en español presentado por el Dr. Bob Ceglowski, un veterinario y consultor profesional que tiene la confianza de los empleados y supervisores de las lecherías. Los temas incluirán: qué son los sindicatos, el significado y la obligación de firmar una tarjeta de afiliación sindical, cuál es la razón por la cual los trabajadores querrán o no querrán tener la representación de un sindicato y va a haber la oportunidad de aclarar los rumores y la información errónea que está circulando ahora en la comunidad agrícola.

Todos los participantes recibirán el enlace para unirse a la sesión virtual después de que se hayan registrado.

Regístrese ahora para esta sesión virtual aquí:

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Union Basics for Farm Employees in Spanish

May 17, 2023

Union Basics for Farm Employees in Spanish

New York's Agricultural Workforce Development Council is hosting a webinar for all farm employees. See notice in English and Spanish below. Employers are asked to set up the webinar in breakrooms and meeting areas to help employees gain access.

Union organizers are aggressively contacting farm employees all across New York. Many farm employees are unfamiliar with unions and not sure what to do. New York's Ag Workforce Development Council will host Dr. Bob Ceglowski, consulting veterinarian and trusted advisor to dairy employees and managers, to discuss farm unions in a webinar delivered in Spanish. Topics will include: what unions are, the meaning and obligation of signing a union card, why farm employees may or may not want a union, and clarifying rumors and misinformation that are currently circulating in the farm community.

Attendees will receive the link to join the webinar after they have registered.

Register in advance for this webinar:

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

So, You Want to Start a Farm? From CCE-Steuben & SWNYDLFC

May 18, 2023
6pm - 8pm
Civil Defense Center
Bath, NY

So, You Want to Start a Farm? From CCE-Steuben & SWNYDLFC

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own farm? Join Cornell Cooperative Extension Specialist, Katelyn Walley-Stoll, to learn more about the nuts and bolts of making your farming dreams come true!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Goat Discussion Circle: A FREE Live Seminar for Veterans.

May 24, 2023

Calling all new and interested goat farmers! 

Whether you've attended our goat seminars before or are just getting started, join us for a flexible discussion circle dedicated to all things goats. We'll review foundation topics and talk about next steps to make all of your goat dreams come true (or - talk you out of it for good)! Presented by Cornell Cooperative Extension's Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Specialists. Registration is REQUIRED by visiting or call Kelly at 585-268-7644. 

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Agribusiness & Chamber of Commerce - What Does This Partnership Look Like?

May 30, 2023
JCC Carnahan Building
Jamestown, NY

The Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce is interested in working with more agribusiness' in Chautauqua County. Join this workshop with representatives from the Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce to learn how a partnership with them would be a great next step for your agribusiness. They will also walk us through their online sales platform, ShopLocalCHQ. This is such an exciting time for collaborations and working to get the word out about locally sourced products of any kind!

June 2023

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

TALK DAIRY TO ME: Facts, Fiction &FAQ's

June 1, 2023

From farming to processing and health to sustainability, both consumers and healthcare professionals have questions about dairy foods. With widespread information available online and in the media, it can feel overwhelming to discern fact from fiction. In this webinar, our dairy experts address common questions and misconceptions that can help health and wellness professionals feel confident in evidence-based guidance when it comes to dairy's role in health and sustainability.  

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Webinar-Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Transition Cows on AMS

June 1, 2023
12:00pm-1:15pm ET

Webinar-Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Transition Cows on AMS

Please join MSU Extension and Cornell Cooperative Extension Regional Teams for our talk with Pete Maslyn of Hemdale Dairy and Todd Ward of Direct Dairy Nutrition Services on managing transition cows on automated milking systems (AMS).

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Transition Cows on AMS

June 1, 2023
12 to 1:15 p.m. ET

Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Transition Cows on AMS

Join us for a live webinar on June 1st, 2023, at noon (ET), where we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of managing transition cows on automated milking systems (AMS).

NWNYTeam Listed Event

2023 Dairy Nutrition & Management Shortcourse

June 5 - June 9, 2023
W. H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute
Chazy, NY

2023 Dairy Nutrition & Management Shortcourse

This course is designed primarily for early career nutritionists and allied industry professionals seeking a more comprehensive foundation in the principles of dairy cattle nutrition and their application within dairy herd management.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Hogs, Hops & Honey - Oh My! A FREE Live seminar for Veterans.

June 7, 2023

Have you ever tried Hipcamp? What about pick-your-own veggies? On-farm dairy processing? Goat yoga? What about all of those at the same time?! Farm production diversification can be an important way to manage risk, increase revenues, and increase profitability. However, it can also be an easy trap to spread limited resources even further! Join Katelyn to learn more about enterprise analysis and determine how diversification can help you. Presented by Cornell Cooperative Extension's Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Specialists. 

Registration is REQUIRED by visiting or call Kelly at 585-268-7644. 

Participation in this event will include the opportunity to hear from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops program's Farm Business Management Specialist, Katelyn Walley-Stoll. SWNYDLFC is a partnership between Cornell University and the five Cornell Cooperative Extension Associations of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, and Steuben Counties. Their work for this program is financially supported through the Northeast Extension Risk Mangement Education program. This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021‐70027‐34693.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

2023 Small Grains Management Field Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

June 8, 2023
10am - 12pm
Poormon Farms
Seneca Falls , NY

2023 Small Grains Management Field Day

Interested in small grains? Attend this years Small Grains Management Field Day at Poormon Farms in Seneca Falls! You'll have the opportunity to hear about crop development, management considerations, weed management, and much more. 

SCNYDFC Listed Event

Small Grains Management Field Day 2023

June 8, 2023
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Fleur De Lis BrewWorks

Small Grains Management Field Day 2023

The date for the annual Small Grains Management Field day sponsored by the Integrated Field Crop, Soil and Pest Management Program Work Team, has been set for June 8! It will again be held in conjunction with Poormon Farms in Seneca Falls, NY. Please park in the designated lot at Fleur De Lis. Registration check-in and light refreshments will begin at 9:30 am with the program running from 10 am - noon. New this year is the opportunity to network with other attendees at Fleur De Lis farm brewery at the conclusion of the event!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

ABC's of EPD's

June 10, 2023
Cornell Cooperative Extension Cattaraugus County
Ellicottville, NY

Sire selection is one of the most important aspects of any breeding operation. Selecting a good herd sire is based on many factors and the effects of that decision will last for generations to come. We can use them not only to help make great brood cows but also to aid in building a quality feeder calf to capture premium prices at auction. Join your fellow beef producers in an interactive environment to learn more about Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) and Sire Selection.

Phil will discuss the ins and outs of EPD's and their importance in choosing your next herd sire. As well as ways to capture those premiums on your feeder calves at the sale barn.
**BQA Recertification forms will be available for those who need recert. credits. **

Light refreshments will be provided.

RSVP by June 3, 2023

Chelsey Nelson - (716) 801-1855
Abby Luzier - (585) 369-4044

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

New York State Fiber Conference

June 11, 2023
Butternut Hill Campground
Bouckville, NY

This one day conference is for new and beginning animal fiber producers who are looking for additional information to better make educated decisions regarding what species and breed of animal to raise and their efforts to produce, use or market their animal's fiber. Producers and potential producers from New York State and throughout the Northeast US are welcome to attend. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what they can do with their animal fiber or its value-added products to increase its market value; whether marketed through direct-to-consumer channels, commodity markets or wholesale.

*CANCELLED* Artificial Insemination Training Course ~ Spanish

June 12 - June 13, 2023
9am - 3pm each day
Insight Dairy, LLC
Little Falls, NY

*CANCELLED* Artificial Insemination Training Course ~ Spanish

*CANCELLED* Two-day course.  Lunch included.  The course will have classroom and practical components.  Registration limited to 12 Spanish speaking individuals.  AI tool kits also available for an additional cost.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Wildfires, Smoke & Livestock

June 13 - June 15, 2023

Wildfires, Smoke & Livestock

This webinar series aims to provide educational content to livestock producers, focusing on preparedness for wildfires, caring for livestock prior to and during wildfires, and providing the most updated information on research on wildfire smoke exposure and its effects on livestock health and performance. 

NWNYTeam Listed Event

Agritourism Workshops Monthly! - Agritourism Pricing Workshop

June 20, 2023

Agritourism Workshops Monthly! - Agritourism Pricing Workshop

Are you thinking of starting an agritourism business or are you currently operating one?

Join our monthly lunch-hour, workshop virtual series and learn how to grow your agritourism business!

Each session will focus on specific topic to help aspiring agritourism entrepreneurs grow their knowledge and profit through this exciting on-farm business.

Cost: Free to attend, but registration required!

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Staffing and Organizing Your Team

June 22, 2023
June 29, 2023
July 6, 2023
July 13, 2023
July 20, 2023
July 27, 2023


Course applicable to all agricultural commodities

Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development has opened registration for Staffing and Organizing Your Team, a six-week course in the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program. Staffing and Organizing Your Team materials release June 16, 2023 and live weekly Zoom discussions will be held from 3 to 4 PM ET each Thursday from June 22 through July 27, 2023. Participation in the live sessions is highly encouraged and provides a valued opportunity for peer-to-peer learning and networking. Registration is $275 and closes June 16. Continuing education credits are now available for this course and the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program. Course topics include: becoming a preferred employer, personnel planning, job descriptions, recruiting and interviewing, hiring and onboarding.

Ardent Mills Tour and Marketing Local Grains

June 23, 2023
1pm - 4:30pm
Albany, NY

An education and networking opportunity for conventional & organic grain growers, organic grain buyers and ag professionals.

SWNYDLFC Listed Event

Dairy Grazing Pasture Walk at Houston Farms

June 27, 2023
Houston Farms
Groton, Ny

Dairy Grazing Pasture Walk at Houston Farms

Learn how rotational grazing and other conservation practices enhance farm viability for the 4th and 5th generations on a small dairy in Groton, NY.

SCNYDFC Listed Event

2023 Cornell Seed Growers Field Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

June 30, 2023
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
NYSIP Foundation Seed Barn
Ithaca, NY

For seed growers and other seed professionals

DEC and CCA continuing education credits requested









Upcoming Events

Agricultural Supervisory Leadership - Virtual Information Sessions

January 30, 2025
February 6, 2025
February 10, 2025
: Virtual Information Lessons

Learn more about the Agricultural Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program.  Three virtual info sessions hosted by Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development.

View Agricultural Supervisory Leadership - Virtual Information Sessions Details

To Keep or Not to Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations

January 28, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 4, 2025

The webinar series is free due to the generosity of sponsors.

View To Keep or Not to Keep: Dairy Welfare and Profitability Considerations Details

Ag Supervisory Leadership

January 17, 2025
January 23, 2025
January 30, 2025
February 6, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 27, 2025
: Ag Supervisory Leadership

ASL104: Staffing and Organizing Your Team

View Ag Supervisory Leadership Details


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Document and Share Storm Damage

Mother nature has really been difficult over the last few days. Significant damage has been seen throughout NYS. Please let us know what types of damage your farm may have sustained during this time. This could be in the form of property damage, lost power, milk dump due to lost power, loss of livestock, loss of stored feed or growing crops.

Farms are encouraged to DOCUMENT AND SHARE any impacts the weather may have had on their home or business. This could include structure damage, crop loss, inventory loss due to power outages, damage to equipment or fencing, and more.

If your farm experienced any sort of damage, please reach out to any of the folks listed below (or all of them). The more impact information that is collected, the greater the likelihood of a disaster declaration which can bring vital emergency support and awareness. The CNYDLFC Team will continue to collect detail and submit to NYSDAM and the EDEN network.

Reporting Weather Related Impacts (For your home or farm business)

  • First, ensure that all the people and animals on your farm are safe, and that there aren't any unsafe working conditions created because of the weather (check your structures!). If there's an emergency, call 911 - don't try to manage it all on your own.
  • Second, document all negative weather impacts for your farm and their estimated financial cost. Take photos, make estimates, and put it all in a safe place.
  • Reach out to your insurance providers - farm, vehicle, crop, etc. to initiate the claim process as needed.
  • Then, share your farm's damage with any (or all) of the ag support agencies listed below. We all work together to collect storm damage information and funnel it up to Ag and Markets which can initiate a natural disaster declaration.
Your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Association Office.
  • Chenango: 607-334-5841
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-2135
  • Herkimer: 315-866-7920
  • Madison: 315-684-3001
  • Otsego: 607-547-2536
  • Schoharie: 518-234-4303
  • Saratoga: 518-885-8995
Any of our CNYDLFC Team members (calls/emails/texts/site visit requests all ok)
  • Erik Smith: 315-219-7786
  • Daniela Gonzalez: 315-749-3486
  • Ashley McFarland- 315-604-2156

Your county USDA/FSA service center.
  • Chenango: 607-334-3231
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-4015
  • Herkimer: 315-866-2520
  • Madison:315-824-9076
  • Otsego: 607-547-8131
  • Schoharie: 518-295-8600
  • Saratoga: 518-692-9940

Your county farm bureau manager

  • Region 3: Bailey Coon: 518-937-0566
  • Region 5: John Wagner: 315-761-9770
  • Region 6: Natally Batiston: 518-937-0269
  • Region 7: Todd Heyn: 518-431-9338

Please let us know how we can help you.

Cash Rent and Custom Harvest Survey

To date, there is limited information available about rental rates and fees for crop harvesting.  Farms can use this valuable information for their farm business planning to help improve decision making and profitability. 

The data that is collected, and the subsequent reports/findings/resources will be helpful for all of us to answer that call of "What's the average rental rate in my area?" and "How much do people charge to combine oats?"

Take the survey here.

Farmers Can Join MeatSuite For Free! is a free resource provided by Cornell University where NY meat farmers can create a farm profile and list their bulk (wholes, halves, quarters) and bundled (i.e. Grilling Bundle) meat products.

Why should farmers join?

1. It's free and easy!
2. Connect with more local customers. In the past year the farm directory had 8,300 visits from New York consumers. Farm profiles get as many as 25 views per month from potential local customers. We also spotlight MeatSuite farms on social media and bring attention and purchases to farms through highlights and giveaways.

How do I join?

Farmers can visit to create a free farm profile. You must list at least one product for your farm's profile to go live. You'll also have access to Cornell's free Meat Price Calculator, a helpful tool for pricing your meat to make a profit.

While you're on MeatSuite, check out the "Creating Consumer-Friendly Bulk Meats" publication on the log-in page. It has tips on how to create bulk meat products that are easier for first-time buyers to say "yes" to.

If you have any questions as you create your farm profile or products, we're here to help! Please email Matt LeRoux at

Spotted Lanternfly

Lycorma delicatula, or Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), is an invasive plant hopper from Asia and is an agricultural pest. In the United States, it was first found in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted Lanternfly has been found in New York State on Staten Island, all New York City boroughs, Long Island, Port Jervis, Sloatsburg, Orangeburg, Ithaca, Binghamton, Middletown, Newburgh, Highland, and the Buffalo area. SLF threatens the agriculture and forestry industries, and is also a nuisance pest. The nymphs and adults feed on over 70 different plants, but is especially detrimental to grapes, a black walnut, hops, maple trees and apples. New York State Ag and Markets supported CCE efforts to help bring awareness to communities and we developed this Public Service Announcement and would appreciate you sharing it with your member lists. 

CCE Livestock Program Work Team

See the Livestock Program Work Team website for news, upcoming programs, and NYS Slaughterhouse Map.