Impact In New York
Current Issues Addressed by the Team:
- Introduce the principles of Precision Feed Management to provide cows the necessary nutrients to maintain profitability and environmental sustainability
- Help farm operators improve cow comfort and health and increase labor efficiency through remodeling or building new dairy facilities.
- Bring to dairy producers the latest information regarding dairy nutrition.
- Assist crop producers with species selection and developing profitable crop rotations while emphasizing the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques
- Provide training on nutrient management so producers make the best use of plant nutrients while protecting the environment.
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2024
This report is a sampling of the virtual and in person events held throughout the year by the CNYDLFC Team.
view complete impact (PDF; 2087 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 4th Quarter 2024
Highlights include: Swine 101, Field Crop and Vegetable IPM on Plain Community Farms, Corn Dry-Down Day, Grant-Funded Research Projects, Central NY Field Crop Update, High-Oleic and Food-Grade Soybean Variety Trials; Other Educational Activities; and Future Grant and Project Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 14324 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 2024
Highlights include: Central NY Field Crop Update; Alfalfa First Cutting Forage Quality; Colgate University Upstate Institute Summer Intern; Seecorn Maggot Population Dynamics and Seed Treatment Efficacy; AI Training in Saratoga County; Two Days of Dairy in 2024; Parasite Road Show for Small Ruminants; Other Educational Activities; and Future Grant and Project Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 2889 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 2nd Quarter 2024
Highlights include: Please welcome our new Dairy Specialist, Daniela Gonzalez Carranza, FARM - Animal Care Program in Madison and Schoharie County, Aspiring Farmer: Cultivating Your Dreams in Agriculture, Fecal Analysis Road Show, Land Valuation and Lease Agreements. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 2359 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 1st Quarter 2024
Highlights include: Small Grain Production, QuickBooks for Farmers, Labor Roadshow VII, Soybean Cyst Nematodes. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 1775 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2023
This report is a sampling of the virtual and in person events held throughout the year by the CNYDLFC Team.
view complete impact (PDF; 3267 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 2023
Highlights include: 2023 CNY Dairy Day, Modern Manure Management Technology, Precision Feeding for Grass Fed Beef Cattle, Spring Forage Quality Monitoring, 2023 CNY Virtual Soybean and Small Grain IPM Congress, Monitoring Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa, and Beef Quality Assurance in Fonda. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 3228 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 2nd Quarter 2023
Highlights include: 2023 CNY Corn Day, Hands-on Calving & Dystocia Workshop, Tools for Farm Succession Planning Series, QuickBooks for New and Beginning Farmers, and Farm Show at NYS Fairgrounds. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 5158 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 1st Quarter 2023
Highlights include: Dairy Feeder School, A.I. Workshop in Little Falls, Mental Health First Aid Training, Manure Management and CAFO Permit Training, and NY Labor Road Show VI. Updates on other educational activites as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 939 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2022
This report is a sampling of the virtual and in person events held throughout the year by the CNYDLFC Team.
view complete impact (PDF; 529 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 2nd Quarter 2022
Highlights include: Alfalfa Height Measuring, Field Crop and Vegetable IPM on Plain Community Farms, CNY Field Crop Update, NYFVI Precision Feed Management Grant, New Cornell Mean Pricing Calculator, and Farm Financial Peer Learning Circles. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 480 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 1st Quarter 2022
Highlights include: 2022 Central NY Dairy Day, 2022 Corn Day, "Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options," Net Zero for NY Dairy, and the NY Farm Show. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 684 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2021
This report is a sampling of the virtual and in person events held throughout the year by the CNYDLFC Team.
view complete impact (PDF; 2019 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 4th Quarter 2021
Highlights include: Vegetable and Field Crop IPM Update at Byler Farm, On-Farm B.Q.A. in Montgomery County, Transition Cow Tuesdays, New York State Annie's Project Series, and Farmer Tax School. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 694 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 2021
Highlights include: FAMACHA Trainings, Vent & Heat Abatement, Empire Field Days, No-Till Cover Crop, To Market, To Market. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 1671 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 2nd Quarter 2021
Highlights include: Farm Financial Management Tuesdays, First Cutting Forage Quality Monitoring, Additional Support Through the Growing Season, Ashley McFarland assumes Advisory Role for NY Beef Producers Association, and Digital Agri-Marketing. Updates on other educational activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 2122 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 1st Quarter 2021
Highlights include: Virtual Corn Day, Virtual Soybean Summit, Virtual Dairy Days, Dairy Forward Grant Program, Marketing Ag Products, and USDA Value Added Producer Grant Writing Program. Updates on other education activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 2351 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2020
Pre-COVID, the Central New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team conducted 35 in-person meetings with 669 people in attendance. This report is a sampling of those activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 3665 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 3rd Quarter 2020
Highlights include: Corn Harvest 2020, Is Your Animal Ready for Harvest, Dialing in Your Best Dairy Part 2, Early Corn Silage Harvest 2020 webinar, PPP & USDA-CFAP. Also find the Other Educational Activities and Grants & Projects for the quarter.
view complete impact (PDF; 2677 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 2nd Quarter 2020
Highlights include: farewell from Kevin Ganoe, Dialing Into Your Best Dairy, summer intern Peter Burritt, Meet Erik Smith, new Area Field Crops Specialist, Meat Marketing Zoom Workshop; Other Educational activities; Grant & Project Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 2979 KB)
CNYDLFC Report First Quarter 2020
Highlights this quarter include: "Dairy Day Helps Producers Increase their Milk Price and Milk Income", "Mitigating Financial Risk at the Farm Gate", "Corn Day Emphasizes Soil Health and What Grows in Soil, Meat Marketing Workshop, and "Team Programming and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak". Updates on other education activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 4120 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 4th Quarter 2019
Highlights this quarter include: "Cow Comfort Workshops Help to Unleash Milk Production Potential," "Sheep and Goat Nutrition Clinic," Empire State Barley & Malt Summit," "Meet & Greet with Dr. Chris Wolf, the new Milk Marketing Specialist at Cornell," and "QuickBooks Education for Producers: The need for digitized farm finances." Updates on other education activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 3294 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2019
In the past year the Central New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team has
conducted 61 meetings on 23 different topics with 1025 people in attendance. This report is a sampling of those activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 2462 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2019
Highlights this quarter include: "Sexual Harassment Training for Employers," "FAMACHA Workshops," Corn Silage Meetings," "Dairy Cattle Summer Research Updates," "Helping Corn Growers Understand GDD's." Updates on other education activities as well as grant and project activities are outlined.
view complete impact (PDF; 6657 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2019
2019 Second Quarter Highlights: First Cutting Monitoring; Understanding Expected Progeny Differences; Helping local farms through a difficult cropping season; Ins and Outs of the Dairy Margin Coverage Program; Helping hog producers understand the potential loss from African Swine Fever. Also read about the other educational activities and the grant and project activities from April-June.
view complete impact (PDF; 2475 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2019
2019 First Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: Dairy Day; Livestock Techniques; Succession Planning; Dairy Alternatives; Forage Quality Testing; Labor Roadshow; Determining Rental Rates; Annie's Project; Marketing Mini Grant; Field Crop Pest Management; Corn Day; Johne's Disease Prevention; FAMACHA Training; Beef Producer's meeting; Forage Quality Seminars.
view complete impact (PDF; 5151 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 4th Quarter 2018
2018 4th Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: Central NY Beef Producers Fall Feeder Calf Sale Leads to Higher Prices; Calving and Neonatal Calf Care Training; Blueprint for Change: Navigating Dairy Decision Making; Determining Rental Rates on the Farm; Manure Storage and Management Workshop. Other Educational Activities this quarter; Grant and Project Activities this quarter.
view complete impact (PDF; 3491 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2018
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 2784 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2018
2018 3rd Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: Twilight Beef Producer Meetings; Pre-Harvest Corn Silage Meetings; Empire Farm Days. Current Projects and Grants: Risk Management Crop Insurance Grant; NYFVI Grant; Dairy Acceleration Program; Blueprint for Change; Grasstravaganza. Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; In-Service and Professional Development; Public Relations; Next Quarter and Future Activities
view complete impact (PDF; 1239 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2018
2018 2nd Quarter Highlights: Team Administration: Nicole Tommel hired; Current Projects and Grants: Spring Forage Quality Monitoring, Montgomery Co Agriculture Microenterprise Grant Facilitator, Monitoring program for soybean producers, NYFVI Grant, Dairy Acceleration Program, Grasstravaganza, Monitor insect pests; Educational Activities: Improved Forage Quality; Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; In-Service and Professional Development; Newsletters and Media; Public Relations; Next Quarter and Future Activities
view complete impact (PDF; 1246 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 1st Quarter 2018
2018 1st Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: 2018 Central NY Dairy Day; CAFO Off-Road Show; Field Crop Pest Management Meetings; 2018 Corn Day; Dairy Farm Business Planning in Uncertain & Challenging Times; Academy for Dairy Executives; Hay School. Current Projects and Grants: Using forage quality to improve the corn silage hybrid selection process on dairy farms; Dairy Acceleration Program. Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; Speaking Opportunities; Public Relations; Newsletters; Next Quarter and Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 955 KB)
CNYDLFC Annual Report 2017
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 3266 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report 4th Quarter 2017
2017 4th Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: Dairy Feeder Schools; Annual Feed Dealer Meeting; Equine Forage Quality Meeting; Why Should you Vaccinate Cattle; Academy for Dairy Executives. Current Projects and Grants: Central New York Feeder Calf Sale; NYFVI Grant-Using forage quality testing to improve the corn silage hybrid selection process on dairy farms; FINPACK; Portable Beef Handling System; Empire State Barley and Malt Summit. Speaking Opportunities; Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; In-service & Professional Development; Next Quarter and Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 669 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2017
2017 Third Quarter Highlights: Educational Activities: Pre-harvest Corn Silage Meetings, Twilight Beef Management Meetings; Summer Dairy Research Update; Current Projects and Grants: NYFVI-Using precision feed management to improve profitability on dairy farms, Using forage quality testing to improve the corn silage hybrid selection process on dairy farms; Scouting program for soybean producers; FINPAK for livestock producers; Dairy Acceleration Program (DAP). Speaking Opportunities; Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; Public Relations; Newsletters & Media; In-Service and Professional Development; Next Quarter and Future Activities
view complete impact (PDF; 1125 KB)
CNYDLFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2017
2017 Second Quarter Highlights: New Regional Livestock Specialist, Summer Intern; Educational Activities: Conservation Tillage Inservice for SWCDs, Current Projects and Grants: Spring Forage Quality Monitoring, NY Farm Viability Institute Income Over Feed Cost Grant, Dairy Feeder Schools, Dairy Acceleration Program, Academy for Dairy Executives, Avipel Study, Monitor Insect Pests with Pheromone Traps, FINPACK for Livestock Producers; Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance; In-Service & Professional Development; Next Quarter and Future Activities
view complete impact (PDF; 986 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2017
2017 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2017 Central NY Dairy Day, Field Crop Pest Management Meetings, Winter Dairy Management Meeting and 2017 Corn Day. Current Projects and Grants: NY Farm Viability Institute Income Over Feed Cost Grant, Dairy Acceleration Program. Also see Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance, Team Administration and Speaking Opportunities.
view complete impact (PDF; 662 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2016
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 1702 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2016
2016 2nd quarter Educational Activities: Summer Dairy Reproduction Update, Spring Forage Quality Monitoring. Current Projects and Grants: Malting Barley Management Project and NY Farm Viability Institute Income Over Feed Cost Program. Also see Speaking Opportunities, In-service & Professional Development, Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Newsletters & Media and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 581 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2016
2016 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2016 Central NY Dairy Day, Field Crop Pest Management Meetings, Academy for Dairy Executives, Milk Marketing WebEx Program, Winter Dairy Management, 2016 Corn Day and Hay Schools. Current Projects and Grants: NY Farm Viability Institute Income Over Feed Cost Grant, Dairy Acceleration Program. Also see Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance, Speaking Opportunities, In-service & Professional Development and Newsletters & Media.
view complete impact (PDF; 592 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2015
Our Annual Report of our educational programming over the last year
view complete impact (PDF; 5218 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2015
2015 third quarter Educational Activities: Soil Health Field Day and No-Till Drill Demonstration. Current Projects & Grants: Malting Barley Sampling Project and NYFVI Precision Feeding Management Grant. Also see Speaking Opportunities, Current Projects and Grants, Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Public Relations and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 826 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2015
2015 2nd quarter Educational Activities: Winter Dairy Management. Current Projects and Grants: NY Farm Viability Grant for Selecting Malting Barley Varieties, Winter Forage Trials, Spring Forage Quality Monitoring, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants, NYFVI Grant Application Approval and Cover Crop Field Day. Also see Speaking Opportunities, Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Newsletters & Media and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 876 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2015
2015 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2015 Central NY Dairy Day (East & West), Milk Quality Webinar, 2015 Corn Day and Small Grains Meeting. Current Projects and Grants: NY Farm Viability Grant for Selecting Malting Barley Varieties and Dairy Acceleration Program. Also see Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance, Speaking Opportunities, In-service & Professional Development, Newsletters & Media, and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 526 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2014
Our Annual Report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 1929 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Fourth Quarter 2014
2014 4th Quarter Educational Activities: Calf Management Training, Tile Drainage School, Income Tax Strategies for Agricultural Producers, Margin Protection Program and Annual Feed Dealers Meeting. Current Projects and Grants: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants, NYFVI Grant Application and Low Cost Milking Parlor. Also see Speaking Opportunities, Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance, In-service & Professional Development and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 570 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2014
2014 third quarter Educational Activities: Open House/Drive Yourself Tour, Academy for Dairy Executives, Soil Health & Residue Management and Margin Protection Program. Current Projects & Grants: Guide for Low Cost Parlors, NY Farm Viability Grant for Selecting Malting Barley Varieties, National Fist & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grans and Soybean Scouting Program. Also see Public Relations, Speaking Opportunities and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 922 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2014
2014 2nd quarter Educational Activities: Hoof Health & Lameness Program and Soil Health & Residue Management. Current Projects and Grants: Dairy Acceleration Program, NY Farm Viability Grant for Selecting Malting Barley Varieties, Winter Forage Trials and Spring Forage Quality Monitoring. Also see Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Speaking Opportunities, and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 761 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2014
2014 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2014 Dairy Day, Winter Dairy Management Schools, 2014 Corn Day, Field Crop Pest Management Meetings, OSHA Preparation Meetings, Calf Health & Nutrition Conference, Cornell Dairy Executives Program and Hay Baleage & Forage Quality School. Current Projects & Grants: NY Farm Viability Grant for Selecting Malting Barley Varieties, Dairy Acceleration Program and National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants. Also see Emerging Issues and Individual Assistance, Newsletters & Media, and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 488 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2013
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 2165 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2013
2013 third quarter Educational Activities: Corn Nitrogen Management Demonstration, Soybean Scouting Program. Current Projects & Grants: Conservation Tillage Expert Panel, Academy for Dairy Executives, Dairy Acceleration Program, NYFVI Malting Barley trials, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants. Also see Newsletters & Media, Public Relations, Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Professional Development and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 943 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2013
2013 2nd quarter Educational Activities: Spring Forage Quality Monitoring and Soybean Scouting Program. Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance: Profit Teams, Facilities Information and Weather Impact on Crop Production. Also see Public Relations, Newsletters & Media, and Current Projects and Grants: NYFVI Dairy Modernization Grant Proposal, Dairy Acceleration Program, NYFVI Malting Barley Trials and National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants. Also see Professional Development and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 1061 KB)
CNYDFC First Quarterly Report 2013
2013 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2013 Corn Day, 2013 Dairy Day, Field Crop Pest Management Meetings, Putting Your Feeding Program to Work, Winter Dairy Management Schools and Soybean Management Meeting. Current Projects & Grants: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants and New York Farm Viability Institute Funds Testing Barley Varieties for Malting Characteristics. Also see Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance, Speaking Opportunities, Public Relations, Newsletters & Media and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 861 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2012
Our Annual Report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 740 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Third Quarter 2012
2012 third quarter Educational Activities: Notill Tour & Demonstration, Taking Precision Feeding to the Next Level and On Farm Fly Control Meetings. Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance. Current Projects & Grants: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants. Also see Speaking Opportunities, Public Relations, Newsletters & Media, Professional Development and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 830 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report Second Quarter 2012
2012 2nd quarter Educational Activities: NYS Soil & Water Conservation Districts Boot Camp, Spring Forage Quality Monitoring and Soybean Scouting Program. Emerging Issues & Individual Assistance: Army Worms & Potato Leafhoppers, Corn Planting Issues, Dairy Nutrition, Ventilation and Weather Impact on Crop Production. Also see Newsletters & Media. Current Projects and Grants: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants, NY State IPM Program Grants and Sclerotinia White Mold Control Demonstrations. Also see Professional Development and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 757 KB)
CNYDFC Quarterly Report First Quarter 2012
2012 First Quarter Educational Activities: 2012 Dairy Day, Group Housed Calf Raising Seminar, Field Crop Pest Management Meetings, 2012 Corn Day and Soybean Management Meeting. Also see Speaking Opportunities and Newsletters & Media. Current Projects & Grants: National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Precision Feed Management & Corn Nitrogen Management Grants and NY State IPM Program Grants. Also see Individual Assistance & Emerging Issues, Professional Development, Team Administration and Next Quarter & Future Activities.
view complete impact (PDF; 611 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2011
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
view complete impact (PDF; 1822 KB)
CNYDFC Annual Report 2010
Our annual report of our educational programming over the last year.
Upcoming Events
Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - CCE Herkimer County
Herkimer, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - Farm Credit East, Cooperstown
Cooperstown , NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Madison County
Morrisville, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Chenango County
Norwich, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 27, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Saratoga 4-H Training Center
Ballston Spa, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Fulton-Montgomery County
Fonda, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Schoharie County
Cobleskill, NY
2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23)
2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)
Parasite Fecal Analysis 2025 Roadshow
March 31 - April 1, 2025April 7 - April 8, 2025
We are coming to a lab near you! Four locations to choose from!
Workshop: Develop a Plan to Reach Your Farm’s Dairy Cow Replacement Needs
April 7, 2025
Guilford, NY
Sign Up for Our Weekly E-Newsletter
We send out a bi-weekly e-newsletter that has announcements, upcoming programs, and opportunities for you! Registration is quick, easy, and free. Click here to sign up today!Document and Share Storm Damage
Mother nature has really been difficult over the last few days. Significant damage has been seen throughout NYS. Please let us know what types of damage your farm may have sustained during this time. This could be in the form of property damage, lost power, milk dump due to lost power, loss of livestock, loss of stored feed or growing crops.Farms are encouraged to DOCUMENT AND SHARE any impacts the weather may have had on their home or business. This could include structure damage, crop loss, inventory loss due to power outages, damage to equipment or fencing, and more.
If your farm experienced any sort of damage, please reach out to any of the folks listed below (or all of them). The more impact information that is collected, the greater the likelihood of a disaster declaration which can bring vital emergency support and awareness. The CNYDLFC Team will continue to collect detail and submit to NYSDAM and the EDEN network.
Reporting Weather Related Impacts (For your home or farm business)
- First, ensure that all the people and animals on your farm are safe, and that there aren't any unsafe working conditions created because of the weather (check your structures!). If there's an emergency, call 911 - don't try to manage it all on your own.
- Second, document all negative weather impacts for your farm and their estimated financial cost. Take photos, make estimates, and put it all in a safe place.
- Reach out to your insurance providers - farm, vehicle, crop, etc. to initiate the claim process as needed.
- Then, share your farm's damage with any (or all) of the ag support agencies listed below. We all work together to collect storm damage information and funnel it up to Ag and Markets which can initiate a natural disaster declaration.
- Chenango: 607-334-5841
- Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-2135
- Herkimer: 315-866-7920
- Madison: 315-684-3001
- Otsego: 607-547-2536
- Schoharie: 518-234-4303
- Saratoga: 518-885-8995
- Erik Smith: 315-219-7786
- Daniela Gonzalez: 315-749-3486
- Ashley McFarland- 315-604-2156
Your county USDA/FSA service center.
- Chenango: 607-334-3231
- Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-4015
- Herkimer: 315-866-2520
- Madison:315-824-9076
- Otsego: 607-547-8131
- Schoharie: 518-295-8600
- Saratoga: 518-692-9940
Your county farm bureau manager
- Region 3: Bailey Coon: 518-937-0566
- Region 5: John Wagner: 315-761-9770
- Region 6: Natally Batiston: 518-937-0269
- Region 7: Todd Heyn: 518-431-9338
Please let us know how we can help you.
Cash Rent and Custom Harvest Survey
To date, there is limited information available about rental rates and fees for crop harvesting. Farms can use this valuable information for their farm business planning to help improve decision making and profitability.Farmers Can Join MeatSuite For Free! is a free resource provided by Cornell University where NY meat farmers can create a farm profile and list their bulk (wholes, halves, quarters) and bundled (i.e. Grilling Bundle) meat products.Why should farmers join?
1. It's free and easy!
2. Connect with more local customers. In the past year the farm directory had 8,300 visits from New York consumers. Farm profiles get as many as 25 views per month from potential local customers. We also spotlight MeatSuite farms on social media and bring attention and purchases to farms through highlights and giveaways.
How do I join?
Farmers can visit to create a free farm profile. You must list at least one product for your farm's profile to go live. You'll also have access to Cornell's free Meat Price Calculator, a helpful tool for pricing your meat to make a profit.
While you're on MeatSuite, check out the "Creating Consumer-Friendly Bulk Meats" publication on the log-in page. It has tips on how to create bulk meat products that are easier for first-time buyers to say "yes" to.
If you have any questions as you create your farm profile or products, we're here to help! Please email Matt LeRoux at