Ten Key Herd Management Opportunities on Dairy Farms

David Balbian, Area Dairy Specialist
Central New York Dairy and Field Crops

August 1, 2016

Tighter and potentially negative margins on dairy farms now and for the next period of time make it even more critical for dairy producers to focus their management skills on making sure that their herd management is all that it can be. Below are Ten low investment, high return management opportunities on dairy farms

1) Maximize milk component production - Top-end herds in the monthly Dairy Profit Monitor benchmarking program (www.dairyprofit.cornell.edu ) are producing a combined total of 6 lbs/day per cow or more of fat and true protein, with a solid goal across herds of greater than 5.5 lbs/day per cow. Although the major driver of fat and protein yield is overall milk yield, component percentages are also important. In general, herd-level milk fat percentage below 3.5% and true protein percentage under 3.0% in Holstein herds suggest opportunities for improvement. Motivation to seek this improvement needs to be based on the current value of milk fat and protein. Low milk fat suggests passage from the rumen of unique unsaturated fatty acids that directly inhibit milk fat synthesis and that there is opportunity either in ration formulation (unsaturated fats, carbohydrate balance, forage quality issues) or in ration implementation (dry matters, amounts fed, sorting, etc.). In the case of milk protein, levels below 3.0% suggest that rumen fermentation and microbial protein synthesis is not being maximized, or there are opportunities to improve amino acid balance by use of blended proteins or protected amino acids. The general timeline for the impact of ration changes on milk components is 10 to 14 days after implementation of the change.

2) Relentlessly seek marginal milk opportunities - Generally, the highest profit margin production is that from marginal (incremental) increases in milk production. This can be accomplished by herd-level management strategies such as changing milking frequency (e.g., 2X to 3X or 4X/2X milking), shortening dry period length on higher producing cows down to 40 days dry, use of bST, or capturing feed efficiency through use of compounds such as Rumensin. We recently completed a field study to evaluate production responses to 4X milking during the first three to four weeks postcalving followed by 2X milking thereafter. Although responses varied among farms and by lactation group within farm, all farms had positive production responses for cows milked 4X/2X and the average response was approximately 3.5 lbs of component-corrected milk yield across the first 7 monthly test days. The overall increase in labor/milking capacity for a 2X herd to actualize 4X/2X is only about 7% compared to 30% for whole-herd 3X. With any of these changes, it is important to look at not only the expected increases in production, but also the changes in input costs to determine what the actual profit may be.

3) Don't lose fresh cows - The best dairies that we encounter maintain fresh cow loss in the first 60 days in milk at or below 6 to 7% of calvings, without keeping low producing fresh cows simply to keep this number lower. Many dairies continue to lose 10 to 15% of fresh cows during the first 60 days in milk, frequently because of health disorders caused by overcrowding either before or after calving, frequent group changes before or after calving, or competition issues between springing heifers and older cows. Ration formulation issues are relatively rare, but ration implementation issues (long chop length of dry forages in dry/prefresh TMR leading to sorting, inaccurate weighing of ingredients, not accounting for dry matter changes) are common. Farms with high quality forages typically will need to obtain low energy forages for far-off dry cow rations because high energy intake far-off can lead to more fresh cow health disorders and increased fresh cow loss. If overall management practices and grouping are in line, there is little added value from routine drenching/pumping practices.

4) Identify and potentially cull low value and low profit cows - Identify those low producing cows who are not generating enough revenue to cover variable feed and labor expenses and use routines such as COWVAL in DairyComp 305 (either on-farm or can be run by DairyOne technician at monthly herd visit) to identify those lower value cows in the herd for either removal, dry off, or replacement. In overstocked pens, removal of low profit cows may result in little to no change in overall milk yield because of better overall performance of the remaining cows. It is important to analyze each individual herd situation, perhaps in conjunction with your agriservice professionals (consultants, extension, veterinarian, nutritionist) because the opportunity can vary widely from herd to herd.

5) Ensure that all management protocols are working and being followed - Protocol drift in many areas of dairy herd management (an incomplete list includes milking routines, calving and colostrum management, reproductive program implementation, and feeding management) is common. This can easily lead to drag in milk yield, higher SCC, poorer conception rate, increased morbidity and mortality in calves, lower feed efficiency and poorer rumen health among other issues. Are you losing out on milk quality premiums because of milking routine/facility issues or a few high SCC cows that are elevating the entire tank? Take the opportunity to review protocols with employees and provide feedback to ensure that these protocols are getting the response and return that you expect.

6) Don't incur heifer rearing costs longer than necessary - Despite years of research and herd experience that suggests that herds can grow heifers well and calve them at 21 to 22 months of age, many herds still average 24 to 26 months age or higher at first calving. This can incur substantial additional cost both in terms of feed requirements and facility/labor to support additional heifer inventory. An Excel spreadsheet calculator for evaluation of the heifer enterprise is available at the PRO-DAIRY website land is located at: http://prodairy.cals.cornell.edu/business-management/resources

7) Maximize your reproduction program - Better pregnancy rates on dairy farms generally correspond with lower days in milk and more overall production of milk components. The calculated cost per day open increases from about $3 per day at around 120 DIM to $5 per day later in lactation. Is your current reproductive management program getting all cows bred for the first time by 70 days in milk, with overall calculated 21-day pregnancy rate at 20% or greater? Strategic use of synchronization programs combined with attention to detail in all aspects of breeding protocols are key aspects of reproductive management.

8) Optimize neonatal management - Opportunities exist on many dairies to decrease stillborn (DOA) rates and decrease morbidity and mortality in calves through the milk-fed phase and weaning. Our best dairies consistently maintain dead-on-arrival (DOA) rates in female calves at around 4 to 5% of calvings; however, a number of dairies have DOA rates of 8 to 10% or more. Intensively managing the calving process for a "just-in-time" move from a close-up group to a calving area usually decreases DOA rates (and also decreases overall fresh cow problems). More calves born alive provides more calves that either eventually enter the herd or can be sold to improve cash flow.

Once born alive, studies suggest that calf mortality rates average 8% and morbidity averages about 30%. Excellent colostrum management [4 quarts of quality colostrum (> 45 to 50 mg/ml of IgG; < 100,000 CFU/ml of bacteria) within 4 hours of birth for Holsteins) is critical to ensure that calves have sufficient passive transfer of immunity and nutrition immediately after birth. Calves should be fed to double their birth weight by 56 days of life, which is higher than traditional feeding recommendations - this plane of nutrition both enhances the efficiency of lean gain and provides nutrients to allow the immune system to function, thereby decreasing veterinary and medicine costs for the calf program.
9) Strategically identify ration opportunities - Opportunities exist both in terms of using accurate forage analyses to enable tighter ration formulation and more sophisticated forage analyses (e.g., fiber digestibilities) integrated with nutritional models to optimize use of homegrown forage within dairy rations. If forage is of high quality and inventory is adequate, is it being utilized to its potential? Likewise, if high quality forage is not available, are there other ration adjustments that can be made to optimize milk yield? Recent work has suggested that there may be opportunities to strategically decrease protein feeding levels and maintain high milk and milk component yield. This strategy has focused primarily on decreasing rumen degradable protein supply to about 8 to 9% of diet dry matter and using high quality undegradable protein sources and amino acids to ensure adequate metabolizable protein supply. Economics likely will make this approach more attractive in high corn silage based diets when haylage inventory is limited. Research consistently indicates that there is no productive or reproductive reason to exceed approximately 0.40% phosphorus for fresh cows, and 0.35% phosphorus for cows at other stages of lactation. Ration levels of 0.35% phosphorus are typically achieved using only basal feed ingredients, and no added phosphorus from mineral sources. When making changes to the overall ration program, it is important to measure and track net milk income over feed costs to ensure that the changes you are making are providing the results that you are looking for.

10) Maximize your feeding management program - The feeding management program can result in hidden losses in feeding programs. Opportunities range from decreasing shrink at the silo by better face management in bunks and bags to accurate and frequent (at least weekly) assessment of silage dry matters to ensure more consistent delivery of diets to cows. This is another area in which protocol drift both within a feeder and across multiple feeders is common, which can change particle size and consistency of diets, which contributes to inconsistent intakes and lower efficiency of use of rations.









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Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - The Latest Updates and What It Means for Poultry Health

March 18, 2025

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Colostrum and Calf-Hood Technology Dinner Meeting

March 19, 2025
Morrisville, NY

View Colostrum and Calf-Hood Technology Dinner Meeting Details

Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - CCE Herkimer County
Herkimer, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - Farm Credit East, Cooperstown
Cooperstown , NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Madison County
Morrisville, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Chenango County
Norwich, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 27, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Saratoga 4-H Training Center
Ballston Spa, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

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March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Fulton-Montgomery County
Fonda, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Schoharie County
Cobleskill, NY

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Document and Share Storm Damage

Mother nature has really been difficult over the last few days. Significant damage has been seen throughout NYS. Please let us know what types of damage your farm may have sustained during this time. This could be in the form of property damage, lost power, milk dump due to lost power, loss of livestock, loss of stored feed or growing crops.

Farms are encouraged to DOCUMENT AND SHARE any impacts the weather may have had on their home or business. This could include structure damage, crop loss, inventory loss due to power outages, damage to equipment or fencing, and more.

If your farm experienced any sort of damage, please reach out to any of the folks listed below (or all of them). The more impact information that is collected, the greater the likelihood of a disaster declaration which can bring vital emergency support and awareness. The CNYDLFC Team will continue to collect detail and submit to NYSDAM and the EDEN network.

Reporting Weather Related Impacts (For your home or farm business)

  • First, ensure that all the people and animals on your farm are safe, and that there aren't any unsafe working conditions created because of the weather (check your structures!). If there's an emergency, call 911 - don't try to manage it all on your own.
  • Second, document all negative weather impacts for your farm and their estimated financial cost. Take photos, make estimates, and put it all in a safe place.
  • Reach out to your insurance providers - farm, vehicle, crop, etc. to initiate the claim process as needed.
  • Then, share your farm's damage with any (or all) of the ag support agencies listed below. We all work together to collect storm damage information and funnel it up to Ag and Markets which can initiate a natural disaster declaration.
Your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Association Office.
  • Chenango: 607-334-5841
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-2135
  • Herkimer: 315-866-7920
  • Madison: 315-684-3001
  • Otsego: 607-547-2536
  • Schoharie: 518-234-4303
  • Saratoga: 518-885-8995
Any of our CNYDLFC Team members (calls/emails/texts/site visit requests all ok)
  • Erik Smith: 315-219-7786
  • Daniela Gonzalez: 315-749-3486
  • Ashley McFarland- 315-604-2156

Your county USDA/FSA service center.
  • Chenango: 607-334-3231
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-4015
  • Herkimer: 315-866-2520
  • Madison:315-824-9076
  • Otsego: 607-547-8131
  • Schoharie: 518-295-8600
  • Saratoga: 518-692-9940

Your county farm bureau manager

  • Region 3: Bailey Coon: 518-937-0566
  • Region 5: John Wagner: 315-761-9770
  • Region 6: Natally Batiston: 518-937-0269
  • Region 7: Todd Heyn: 518-431-9338

Please let us know how we can help you.

Cash Rent and Custom Harvest Survey

To date, there is limited information available about rental rates and fees for crop harvesting.  Farms can use this valuable information for their farm business planning to help improve decision making and profitability. 

The data that is collected, and the subsequent reports/findings/resources will be helpful for all of us to answer that call of "What's the average rental rate in my area?" and "How much do people charge to combine oats?"

Take the survey here.

Farmers Can Join MeatSuite For Free!

MeatSuite.com is a free resource provided by Cornell University where NY meat farmers can create a farm profile and list their bulk (wholes, halves, quarters) and bundled (i.e. Grilling Bundle) meat products.

Why should farmers join?

1. It's free and easy!
2. Connect with more local customers. In the past year the MeatSuite.com farm directory had 8,300 visits from New York consumers. Farm profiles get as many as 25 views per month from potential local customers. We also spotlight MeatSuite farms on social media and bring attention and purchases to farms through highlights and giveaways.

How do I join?

Farmers can visit https://www.meatsuite.com/farmers/ to create a free farm profile. You must list at least one product for your farm's profile to go live. You'll also have access to Cornell's free Meat Price Calculator, a helpful tool for pricing your meat to make a profit.

While you're on MeatSuite, check out the "Creating Consumer-Friendly Bulk Meats" publication on the log-in page. It has tips on how to create bulk meat products that are easier for first-time buyers to say "yes" to.

If you have any questions as you create your farm profile or products, we're here to help! Please email Matt LeRoux at mnl28@cornell.edu.

Spotted Lanternfly

Lycorma delicatula, or Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), is an invasive plant hopper from Asia and is an agricultural pest. In the United States, it was first found in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted Lanternfly has been found in New York State on Staten Island, all New York City boroughs, Long Island, Port Jervis, Sloatsburg, Orangeburg, Ithaca, Binghamton, Middletown, Newburgh, Highland, and the Buffalo area. SLF threatens the agriculture and forestry industries, and is also a nuisance pest. The nymphs and adults feed on over 70 different plants, but is especially detrimental to grapes, a black walnut, hops, maple trees and apples. New York State Ag and Markets supported CCE efforts to help bring awareness to communities and we developed this Public Service Announcement and would appreciate you sharing it with your member lists. 

CCE Livestock Program Work Team

See the Livestock Program Work Team website for news, upcoming programs, and NYS Slaughterhouse Map.