Johne's Disease in Beef Herds

Ashley McFarland, Area Livestock Specialist
Central New York Dairy and Field Crops

April 15, 2019

What is Johne's Disease?

Johne's disease is a chronic, incurable bacterial infection that primarily affects the lower small intestine of ruminants.  Infection most commonly occurs when young animals ingest the bacteria Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP).  After infection, the bacteria grow slowly inside the animal's intestinal cells.  Over time, the animal's immune cells multiply in response to the bacteria's presence, eventually leading to thickening of the intestine, impairing the ability to absorb nutrients, and leading to the clinical signs of Johne's disease in some animals.  The disease progression in the small intestine may take up to two to six years or more before late stage clinical signs are seen.  These signs include weight loss, intermittent or continuous unresponsive diarrhea, but a normal appetite.  Some animals develop "bottle jaw" - fluid under the jaw caused by protein loss.  Late stage animals continue to deteriorate and can die in a few days or a few months.

There are no good estimates of prevalence in beef herds in the United States.  A NAHMS survey in 1997 showed less than 10% of beef cow/calf operations positive for Johnes, however, this is considered a very conservative number based on the survey design and the lack of registered operations being a part of the survey.  Johne's disease is a herd problem that worsens with time, reducing production and profit.  

Johne's disease has the largest impact on seedstock and purebred producers since they are selling animals that will be kept long enough for an animal to break with the disease.  These are the operations that should be more motivated to do something about the disease especially when it is perhaps at a more lower, manageable level in their herd.  The operations who do implement Johne's control will have a distinct advantage in marketing their breeding stock.

Johne's is primarily transmitted through the fecal-oral route and that is where management needs to focus.  Also, young animals less than 6 months of age especially the newborns are the most susceptible to infection so they are the ones to protect against exposure.  It may be difficult but not complex to prevent new infections.  We are not going to tell beef producers to take calves away from their mothers like we recommend in the dairy industry.  However, we can institute management that takes new cow-calf pairs and puts them in a clean environment to minimize spread.  Also, we encourage producers to get feed off the ground and use bunks or racks to minimize manure contamination as well as fence off surface water sources and use water tanks which are cleaned regularly.  Also, beef operations can utilize Johne's testing to identify late stage infected animals for culling and more intense management to control the exposure of the manure from these animals to young stock.

Critical management points for Johne's disease control:
Reduce infections by manure management (all manure is suspect) - Avoid manure build up in pastures, corrals and barns.  Have a clean calving area and move new cow/calf pairs to a clean pasture as soon as possible.  Avoid keeping high risk or sick cows in the calving area and avoid overcrowding.  Provide clean feed for all cattle and avoid manure contamination by using feed bunks and/or hay racks.  Use separate equipment to hand manure and feed.  Provide clean water, not contaminated by potentially infected animals.  Keep adult cow manure away from young stock by housing in separate facilities or pastures not recently used by adult cattle.  Prevent transporting bacteria to young stock by people, runoff and equipment.
Reduce infections by colostrum management - Feed "low risk" colostrum from test negative cows.  If colostrum supplementation is needed use clean harvesting procedures or consider using a quality commercial colostrum supplement product.
Reduce infections by managing infected animals - Identify and remove clinical and late state animals immediately.  Consider Johne's testing to identify subclinical animals and define herd status.  Johne's testing can also help identify infected animals that are shedding Johne's in their manure.  These animals can be culled or segregated away from the herd and especially the young animals to help minimize spread in the environment.  
Purchased animals - Do not buy from herds with unknown Johne's infection status.  Obtain herd health information from source herds ask about their Johne's disease monitoring and management.  Pretesting purchases will not detect Johne's infections in the early stages of the disease so additional follow up tests are recommended two or three times at six to twelve month intervals.  

Johne's Disease Control Program
New York State offers cattle producers a free program - the New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP).  This is a voluntary disease management program that helps farms identify disease risks, create obtainable goals and implement strategic herd planning that works within the farm's resources to meet their goals.  The program uses a team approach bringing together the farmer, the herd veterinarian and a NYSCHAP herd planner who is either a NYS veterinarian or a NYSCHAP certified private veterinarian.  The program pays the herd veterinarian for their participation so there is no cost to the producer.  Also, enrollment in NYSCHAP allows farms to receive subsidized pricing for Johne's testing.  This program can tailor an effective plan for Johne's identification, control and testing for the farm.  More information on the program and how to enroll can be found on the NYSCHAP website: 









Upcoming Events

Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - The Latest Updates and What It Means for Poultry Health

March 18, 2025

View Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - The Latest Updates and What It Means for Poultry Health Details

Colostrum and Calf-Hood Technology Dinner Meeting

March 19, 2025
Morrisville, NY

View Colostrum and Calf-Hood Technology Dinner Meeting Details

Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - CCE Herkimer County
Herkimer, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 25, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM - Farm Credit East, Cooperstown
Cooperstown , NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Madison County
Morrisville, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 26, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Chenango County
Norwich, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 27, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Saratoga 4-H Training Center
Ballston Spa, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Fulton-Montgomery County
Fonda, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 28, 2025 : Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow - CCE Schoharie County
Cobleskill, NY

2.0 DEC credits (1a, 10, 21, 23) 

2.0 CCA Credits (Pest Mgmt)

View Field Crops and Vegetable IPM Roadshow Details


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Document and Share Storm Damage

Mother nature has really been difficult over the last few days. Significant damage has been seen throughout NYS. Please let us know what types of damage your farm may have sustained during this time. This could be in the form of property damage, lost power, milk dump due to lost power, loss of livestock, loss of stored feed or growing crops.

Farms are encouraged to DOCUMENT AND SHARE any impacts the weather may have had on their home or business. This could include structure damage, crop loss, inventory loss due to power outages, damage to equipment or fencing, and more.

If your farm experienced any sort of damage, please reach out to any of the folks listed below (or all of them). The more impact information that is collected, the greater the likelihood of a disaster declaration which can bring vital emergency support and awareness. The CNYDLFC Team will continue to collect detail and submit to NYSDAM and the EDEN network.

Reporting Weather Related Impacts (For your home or farm business)

  • First, ensure that all the people and animals on your farm are safe, and that there aren't any unsafe working conditions created because of the weather (check your structures!). If there's an emergency, call 911 - don't try to manage it all on your own.
  • Second, document all negative weather impacts for your farm and their estimated financial cost. Take photos, make estimates, and put it all in a safe place.
  • Reach out to your insurance providers - farm, vehicle, crop, etc. to initiate the claim process as needed.
  • Then, share your farm's damage with any (or all) of the ag support agencies listed below. We all work together to collect storm damage information and funnel it up to Ag and Markets which can initiate a natural disaster declaration.
Your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Association Office.
  • Chenango: 607-334-5841
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-2135
  • Herkimer: 315-866-7920
  • Madison: 315-684-3001
  • Otsego: 607-547-2536
  • Schoharie: 518-234-4303
  • Saratoga: 518-885-8995
Any of our CNYDLFC Team members (calls/emails/texts/site visit requests all ok)
  • Erik Smith: 315-219-7786
  • Daniela Gonzalez: 315-749-3486
  • Ashley McFarland- 315-604-2156

Your county USDA/FSA service center.
  • Chenango: 607-334-3231
  • Fulton/Montgomery: 518-853-4015
  • Herkimer: 315-866-2520
  • Madison:315-824-9076
  • Otsego: 607-547-8131
  • Schoharie: 518-295-8600
  • Saratoga: 518-692-9940

Your county farm bureau manager

  • Region 3: Bailey Coon: 518-937-0566
  • Region 5: John Wagner: 315-761-9770
  • Region 6: Natally Batiston: 518-937-0269
  • Region 7: Todd Heyn: 518-431-9338

Please let us know how we can help you.

Cash Rent and Custom Harvest Survey

To date, there is limited information available about rental rates and fees for crop harvesting.  Farms can use this valuable information for their farm business planning to help improve decision making and profitability. 

The data that is collected, and the subsequent reports/findings/resources will be helpful for all of us to answer that call of "What's the average rental rate in my area?" and "How much do people charge to combine oats?"

Take the survey here.

Farmers Can Join MeatSuite For Free! is a free resource provided by Cornell University where NY meat farmers can create a farm profile and list their bulk (wholes, halves, quarters) and bundled (i.e. Grilling Bundle) meat products.

Why should farmers join?

1. It's free and easy!
2. Connect with more local customers. In the past year the farm directory had 8,300 visits from New York consumers. Farm profiles get as many as 25 views per month from potential local customers. We also spotlight MeatSuite farms on social media and bring attention and purchases to farms through highlights and giveaways.

How do I join?

Farmers can visit to create a free farm profile. You must list at least one product for your farm's profile to go live. You'll also have access to Cornell's free Meat Price Calculator, a helpful tool for pricing your meat to make a profit.

While you're on MeatSuite, check out the "Creating Consumer-Friendly Bulk Meats" publication on the log-in page. It has tips on how to create bulk meat products that are easier for first-time buyers to say "yes" to.

If you have any questions as you create your farm profile or products, we're here to help! Please email Matt LeRoux at

Spotted Lanternfly

Lycorma delicatula, or Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), is an invasive plant hopper from Asia and is an agricultural pest. In the United States, it was first found in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted Lanternfly has been found in New York State on Staten Island, all New York City boroughs, Long Island, Port Jervis, Sloatsburg, Orangeburg, Ithaca, Binghamton, Middletown, Newburgh, Highland, and the Buffalo area. SLF threatens the agriculture and forestry industries, and is also a nuisance pest. The nymphs and adults feed on over 70 different plants, but is especially detrimental to grapes, a black walnut, hops, maple trees and apples. New York State Ag and Markets supported CCE efforts to help bring awareness to communities and we developed this Public Service Announcement and would appreciate you sharing it with your member lists. 

CCE Livestock Program Work Team

See the Livestock Program Work Team website for news, upcoming programs, and NYS Slaughterhouse Map.